

Welcome At The Rotten Politics!

I am Rotten Politics (Latin: Putrida Politica) an unapologetic proud English Northerner, journalist and commentator of news content for the public. Backed by objective opinion from Mrs. Rotten aka DizzyDips. I am known for reporting the latest news from the UK and the world related to politics, the monarchy, the establishment, the economy and other important topics of daily life.

My Rotten Politics Channels analyse and evaluate the dark and incurably rotten side of politicians’ character on a daily basis.I provide commentary and criticism often with a humorous approach but genuinely honest and objective. My logo is easily recognisable as a skull surrounded by rotten smoke that seeps into the mask through filters reminiscent of the Union Jack flag.

I became a well known figure on many social media platforms thanks to my “I’m not giving any f!cks” skills of judging information based on facts. First publication of my content happened on my main YouTube channel (March 2020). Since then, the Rotten Army has grown to this day expanding the member base of community. Rotten Politics is a close friend of “We Got A Problem“, where we co-create and host popular informational podcasts and many more interesting events online.

My missions and actions can be described as brutal harsh and sometimes humorous highlights of the rottenness I see around us. I’m a warrior in the fight against the mass disinformation machine where I was wounded several times during the battles for the word of truth on the digital battlefields (aka social media platforms). Active protector and promoter of Freedom of Speech. I vow to continue my quest to reach as many people as possible and deliver red pills of awareness about the real social issues plaguing us.

Join my Rotten Army today!


In this video we look at Dizzee Raskal on GMB to talk about new style outdoor drive in concerts,and Tears morgan tries to make him a political pawn in his karenistic outrage baiting,dizzee brushed him aside with ease very well done sir!